But thanks to photo apps and AI we can transform them into colour to show our town in a whole new light. The idea is to make them look a little more like the world people really saw at the time.
These are a selection of images dating back to the early 20th century and through to the 50s and even early 80s to show colourised versions of black and white images of our great town.
13. Old Blackpool in Colour
An interesting picture dated November 1938. Bank Hey Street and Albert Street. The caption says: "One of the biggest land deals in Blackpool of recent years is that which has involved the clearance of property in the heart of the Central Station area. Before long, according to present plans, another big modern store will rise on the corner site shown in the above picture. Marks and Spencer and the executors of the late Ald RB Mather are the principle in the transaction | National World

16. Old Blackpool in Colour
Staff outside C A Higgins and Company Rock Shop in Talbot Road, Blackpool in 1912 | National World

17. Old Blackpool in Colour
Shop and Boarding house at the corner of Chesterfield Road and Sherbourne Road North Shore in the 1940s | National World