Firefighters at the scene trying to stabilise the main Grab City signFirefighters at the scene trying to stabilise the main Grab City sign
Firefighters at the scene trying to stabilise the main Grab City sign

Grab City Blaze: 12 scenes of one of Blackpool's most dramatic fires which ravaged through the heart of the Golden Mile in 2002

Just over 20 years ago, a blaze ripped through Grab City amusement arcade engulfing the building, a take-away and pub and threatened neighbouring Louis Tussauds Waxworks.

More than 100 firemen tackled the inferno on the promenade as buildings collapsed around them.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Gerry O'Neill said his men had been called out shortly after midnight to what appeared to be a small blaze in a neon light on the outside of an amusement arcade.

But when they arrived a severe fire was burning inside the building. At the time, Mr O'Neill said: "Although it was a rainy night, the high winds fanned the fire and caused it to spread. My men were faced with buildings which were collapsing as they fought to save the wax works. This was a very, very big fire which started after midnight and went on for six more hours." An investigation into the blaze later concluded it had been an arson attack which led to the imprisonment of four people. These pictures bring back the horror of that night…

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But when they arrived a severe fire was burning inside the building. At the time, Mr O'Neill said: "Although it was a rainy night, the high winds fanned the fire and caused it to spread. My men were faced with buildings which were collapsing as they fought to save the wax works. This was a very, very big fire which started after midnight and went on for six more hours." An investigation into the blaze later concluded it had been an arson attack which led to the imprisonment of four people. These pictures bring back the horror of that night…

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