These photos also look back at when Radio Wave launched, the Miss Blackpool contestants and a great photo of how Layton flats looked.
. Blackpool, 1992
Miss Blackpool, 1992 Photo: staff
. Blackpool, 1992
St Trinian’s girls for the Blackpool to Fleetwood walk, at North Pier Photo: submit
. Blackpool, 1992
Eddie Bowkett and wife Eileen at the Town Crier competition, Marsh Mill, Thornton in 1992 Photo: National World
. Blackpool, 1992
Pat and Ken Rayner(front) lead 200 Dancers Quickstepping along the Golden Mile for Charity in 1992 Photo: Submit
. Blackpool, 1992
Radio wave crew 1992, including Jon Culshaw, top right in the van doorway, who later found nationwide fame for his impersonations of famous personalities Photo: Submit
. Blackpool, 1992
Lisa Stansfield switched on Blackpool Illuminations Photo: submit
. Blackpool, 1992
Celebrations during the Blackpool v Scunthope Fourth Division Play-off Final Photo: Submit
1. Blackpool, 1992
Miss Blackpool, 1992 Photo: staff
2. Blackpool, 1992
St Trinian’s girls for the Blackpool to Fleetwood walk, at North Pier Photo: submit
3. Blackpool, 1992
Eddie Bowkett and wife Eileen at the Town Crier competition, Marsh Mill, Thornton in 1992 Photo: National World
4. Blackpool, 1992
Pat and Ken Rayner(front) lead 200 Dancers Quickstepping along the Golden Mile for Charity in 1992 Photo: Submit
5. Blackpool, 1992
Radio wave crew 1992, including Jon Culshaw, top right in the van doorway, who later found nationwide fame for his impersonations of famous personalities Photo: Submit
6. Blackpool, 1992
Lisa Stansfield switched on Blackpool Illuminations Photo: submit