These buildings once stood proudly in Blackpool but fell victim to change. In some cases it was for the better but others were gems and should, arguably, have been treasured.
By no means exhaustive, the photos depict just some of Blackpool’s long gone buildings and which are still nostalgically talked about. They offer a glimpse into lost times.
1. Lost Buildings
In the shadow of the old bus station this was The Talbot Hotel, demolished in 1968. It would have certainly been an attraction, had it remained | National World
2. Lost Buildings
South Shore Open Air Baths opened in 1923 and were the largest in the world. They were pulled down in 1983 and replaced by the Sandcastle in 1983 | National World
3. Lost Buildings
The Promenade and Talbot Square as it was in the mid 1950s. On the left is the Metropole Hotel, which remains. A couple of the buildings on the right are still there but the main focus of this photo is the impressive building in the middle which was EH Booths. It was replaced by a more modern structure in 1972 and is most well-known use is as nightclubs | National World
4. Lost Buildings
Lewis's department store in Blackpool which was pulled down in the 1990s | National World
5. Lost Buildings
National World
6. Lost Buildings
Derby Baths, a much-loved building which was demolished in 1990 | National World