Here are 6 places you can warm yourself at a bonfire and watch a spectacular firework display in Lancashire ...
. Crowd watching fireworks and celebrating at night
Where will you watch the fireworks in Lancashire? Photo: ANDOR BUJDOSO
. Light Up Lancaster
Light Up Lancaster is a two-day event on November 4 and 5 at various locations in Lancaster, culminating in a spectacular fireworks and light display at Lancaster Castle at 8pm on bonfire night. The event is free though you do need wristbands to attend certain locations. For info and updates sign up for the e-newsletter at Photo: Nah Ting Feng
1. Light Up Lancaster
Light Up Lancaster is a two-day event on November 4 and 5 at various locations in Lancaster, culminating in a spectacular fireworks and light display at Lancaster Castle at 8pm on bonfire night. The event is free though you do need wristbands to attend certain locations. For info and updates sign up for the e-newsletter at Photo: Nah Ting Feng
2. Clitheroe Cricket Club
Clitheroe Cricket Club are holding a bonfire and fireworks display on Friday, November 4, at 5.30pm - 11pm. Early bird tickets (available until Oct 28) cost £5 for adults, £2 for children (2-17years) and a family ticket (2 adults and 2 children) costs £12. Prices after Oct 28 are £6, £3 and £15. Telephone 01200 422896 Photo: IrisImages -
3. Gisburne Park Estate
Gisburne Park Estate in Park Road, Gisburne, Clitheroe, is holding a bonfire and fireworks display on Saturday, November 5, from 4pm - 10pm. There will also be live music, a DJ, fire dancers and more. Tickets are £14 for adults and £8 for children (3-12years). Telephone 01200 415300 Photo: Gino Santa Maria
4. Witton Country Park
Witton Country Park in Blackburn is holding a charity bonfire and fireworks display on Saturday, November 5, from 5pm. Fireworks start at 8pm. You can get a family ticket for just £5, an adult ticket costs £4, a teen ticket (13-16years) is £3 and children 50p. Telephone 01254 666976 Photo: ANDOR BUJDOSO
5. Thornton Hall Farm
Thornton Hall Farm, near Skipton, is hosting a bonfire and fireworks event on Friday, November 4. There will also be live music, childrens' entertainment and more. The fireworks will be set to music and special effects. Ticket prices start at £19.95 for adults, £14.95 for children and under 3years from £8.95. Telephone 01282 841148 Photo: NDABCREATIVITY -
6. Lancashire Mining Museum
Lancashire Mining Museum in Astley Green is holding a fireworks spectacular on Saturday, November 5, from 6pm. Entertainment will also include fairground rides, a ukulele band and more. Tickets for adults are £7.50 and £2.50 for children. Telephone 01942 895841. Photo: vishnena -