Each of the towns’ churches were represented by rose queens – Lilah Beetham of Christ Church, Wesham; Nicola Hulme of Kirkham United Reformed Church; Elsa Olofsson of St Joseph's Church, Wesham; Raeya Bingham of St John's Willows Church, Kirkham; Natanyah Vatanimto of Kirkham Methodist Church and Lydia Cumpsty of St Michaels Church, Kirkham - Lydia Cumpsty..
Angela Hunter of the Club Day committee said: “We had some lovely feedback from spectators and it was particularly wonderful to see several generations of families taking part in the procession keeping this long tradition alive..
“There was a wonderful turnout from the Kirkham and Wesham townsfolk and the committee would like to thank all those who both participate and assist with the organisation which allows us to hold this annual event - without them the event would not be able to continue.”

1. Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession
Music was a key part of the Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession. Photo: Daniel Martino

2. Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession
All manner of costumes were to be seen in the Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession. Photo: Daniel Martino

3. Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession
The six churches in Kirkham and Wesham took part in the Club Day procession. Photo: Daniel Martino

4. Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession
Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession features the rose queens from the towns' six churches. Photo: Daniel Martino

5. Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession
A colourful scene from the Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession. Photo: Daniel Martino

6. Kirkham and Wesham Club Day procession
Crowds awaiting the Club Day procession's arrival in Kirkham's main Poulton Street. Photo: Daniel Martino