Letters - Monday, November 1, 2021

Use old Debenhams and tell us your plans

In November 2019 it was announced that Blackpool Council had bought Houndshill Centre for £47 m, of course this outlay is ultimately covered off by public contributions, and we should have a say.

It was thought at the time that Blackpool Council would have a good return on this investment, which included the sadly missed Debenhams store.

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Fast forward to October 2021 and we have an empty ex-Debenhams store. Will the Council rent it or not in the near future? It must be costing the tax payer a considerable sum in rates and upkeep and loss of revenue.

Why not utilise the building as a Medical / Walk in Centre replete with pharmacy? It’s centrally placed and has an excellent transport structure serving buses, trams, taxis and caters for cars in respect of enhanced parking following demolition of nearby buildings.

It’s clear that online purchases have changed things and it would be a shame that any building within the Houndshill Centre could be allowed to lie empty due to it not being economically viable to a retailer. In any respect, it would be respectful of Blackpool Council to let us know just what their intentions are.

Mike Marlow

via email


Why exclude nuclear from COP?

The aim of COP26 is to reduce CO2 emissions. Yet representatives from the nuclear industry – nuclear power has no CO2 emissions – have been excluded.

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If they really believed the end of the world was nigh due to CO2, surely the environmental and climate people would have been clamouring for a nuclear programme long ago to save us all?

The environmental cult clearly has a secret agenda if they have persuaded COP to ignore nuclear power.

Malcolm Parkin

Address supplied


Pay out now to the innocent

Six months have passed since the Appeal Court quashed the convictions of the first group of appellants in the Post Office scandal. Since then a second group have had their convictions quashed in July.

One would hope enough time has elapsed for some interim compensation to be given to these innocent individuals.

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They have had to put up (wrongly) with the stigma of guilt for a very long time.

John Chester

Address supplied


Know signs and symptoms of RSV

This winter doctors predict that more babies and toddlers than ever will catch RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and the latest information from the UK’s public health protection agency, UKHSA, shows that cases of RSV in the North West are on the rise.

RSV is a common, highly infectious virus that usually circulates at this time of year and causes coughs and colds. It is the main cause of breathing difficulties in younger children and while most will only experience mild symptoms, it can lead to more serious respiratory problems in very young children with health conditions or complex medical needs.

Now we are mixing more, very young children are at particular risk of getting RSV because they won’t have been exposed to this virus yet, or had the chance to build up a natural immunity to it.

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As a charity supporting families with disabled children Contact wants to make sure that all families in Lancashire recognise the signs and symptoms of RSV, how to reduce the risk of their child getting respiratory infections in the first place and to take action early by seeking advice and help from your pharmacy or GP if your child develops breathing problems as a result of the virus.

You can find out more about RSV and other winter viruses on our website www.contact.org.uk or if you have a question you can call our helpline on 0808 808 3555.

Being aware of RSV alongside getting the flu vaccination and the Covid-19 booster jab are some of the key ways to protect yours and the health of your children with disabilities and health conditions so everyone keeps well this winter.

Amanda Batten

CEO of Contact

The charity for families with disabled children

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