Letters - March 21, 2019

The Splash! water park on St Annses Promenade, to be opened on April 3, 2019The Splash! water park on St Annses Promenade, to be opened on April 3, 2019
The Splash! water park on St Annses Promenade, to be opened on April 3, 2019
Splash park roads need urgent action

I seem to have missed the transfer of responsibility from the Highways Department to the Sports and Leisure Department for the upkeep of our roads.

It was pleasing to see the new splash park being created but I had not realised that this feature was to be extended to our roadways. There now seems to be a major waterpool feature on many of our roads every time it rains.

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Again it is thoughtful that the council has introduced this idea, but I do have concerns about the proximity of traffic to these new pools. Also, I’m not sure that the non-participants are very pleased when walking along a pavement and are then involuntarily introduced to the fun of this activity by a passing vehicle.

I particularly like the arrangement at the pedestrian crossing near the Blossoms pub. The thrill of the decision between paddling through the deep water to gain access (eventually) to the marked crossing near the crest of the road, as against the danger of stepping on to the roadway somewhere near the marked crossing to gain access to the centre area above the high tide mark. It all adds to the excitement.

No doubt, these new facilities will be a major feature for our tourist trade.

Whilst writing, it looks like our town has also become a ‘nursery area’ for potholes, and, no doubt, we will benefit soon from a trade in selling these where there are shortages elsewhere.

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But, much more seriously! The situation is unacceptable and needs urgent and drastic attention.

Our roads are becoming unsafe for pedestrians and drivers.

Frank McLaughlin

Address supplied


Need to discuss 
organ donation

Your readers may have seen in the news that the organ donation procedure in England is changing.

The introduction of Max and Keira’s Law will provide hope for the 115 people in Lancashire currently waiting for a heart, kidney or other organ transplant. However, evidence tells us more work will need to be done; now the Government must invest in resources to help the law change become a success.

Families will still play a role in deciding what happens to their loved one’s organs, so encouraging people to make their wishes known is essential. More specialist nurses are also needed as the presence of specialist organ donation nurses dramatically improves consent rates in the UK. If a specialist donation nurse is present to discuss organ donation, families are around three times more likely to consent to their loved one’s organs being donated.

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It is fantastic this law has been passed, but now we must have a national conversation about organ donation. That is why we’re asking your readers to talk about how they feel about organ donation with their friends and family. Knowing your loved ones organ donation wishes should be as commonplace as knowing their birthday.

Simon Gillespie

Chief Executive of The British Heart Foundation


Corbyn’s negative role in delaying exit

For almost three years what remains of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn has played a wholly negative role in the attempts by the government to achieve a Brexit deal that meets with the approval of Parliament.

Corbyn and his clique have pursued a transparent tactic based not on the national interest but on their warped Marxist /Trotskyist ideology. The tactic ,translated, was called by Lenin in 1916, ‘Cause dissension by delaying’.

Corbyn has seized every opportunity to sit on his hands. Over three decades his Parliamentary record has demonstrated his vociferous and intense dislike of the EU. Now he is advocating a ‘soft’ Brexit, after demanding week after week a second referendum. He has said that he and Labour will never vote for any other deal. His policy changes are chameleon like.

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The reason for his sudden conversion is obvious. It is to deliberately obstruct the progress of Brexit negotiations. He is intent on supporting any policy that will make the PM’s task harder. His very recent appeal for cross-party discussions is a typical Corbyn example of trying to dupe the public into believing he has the nation’s interest at heart.

Never once has he or his front bench acknowledged that leaving the EU is a hideously complex business. Thirty months ago I dubbed it, in terms of planning, our political D-Day in reverse. It has turned out to be so.

In 1944 Churchill had the staunch support of Clem Attlee and other political parties. Sadly, today Theresa May has to combat and disengage GB from Fortress EU while being undermined at home by a Corbyn-led clique who are more concerned with their own wishes than the welfare of the British people.

No wonder the polls are showing a sharp decline in Labour’s ratings.

Dr Barry Clayton

Thornton Cleveleys