An intensely packed Empress Ballroom had gathered to see the kings of Rock and Roll but it didn’t end well. A teenage mob forced the band to flee from the Empress Ballroom, as they stormed the stage wrecking their kit.
The cheers and screams of the teenagers turned into threatening boos and the five band members ran from the stage to safety. These pictures sum up the evening, from crowds waiting to enjoy the gig to the ugly aftermath…

. When The Rolling Stones rocked by...
The Empress Ballroom stage was littered with debris after the Blackpool concert Photo: Submit

. When the Rolling Stones rocked by...
Winter Gardens staff clear up the aftermath of the Rolling Stones riot. A grand piano was reduced to matchwood Photo: submit

. When the Rolling Stones rocked by...
The bad boys of Rock and Roll ran into a storm at the Empress ballroom, minutes after this picture was taken fans invaded the stage Photo: submit

1. When The Rolling Stones rocked by...
The Empress Ballroom stage was littered with debris after the Blackpool concert Photo: Submit

2. When the Rolling Stones rocked by...
Winter Gardens staff clear up the aftermath of the Rolling Stones riot. A grand piano was reduced to matchwood Photo: submit

3. When the Rolling Stones rocked by...
The bad boys of Rock and Roll ran into a storm at the Empress ballroom, minutes after this picture was taken fans invaded the stage Photo: submit

4. When the Rolling Stones rocked by...
The crowd was intense at the gig, totally packed into the Empress Ballroom. This was before they invaded the stage Photo: library

6. When the Rolling Stones rocked by...
Shocked fans linger in the Empress Ballroom after fans turned the concert into carnage Photo: library