Schools and nurseries can be rated one of four grades: outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate, with a mix of ratings being given out this month.
If a school/nursery requires improvement, it is put under special measures, whilst good schools are checked less frequently.
Take a look at the schools and nurseries that received reports in August and July below, including their classifications, highlights and areas that require improvement...
1. Schools with Ofsted reports August/July
All the schools across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre who received new Ofsted reports in August & July | Google Maps
2. Little Angels Nursery
Report published Aug 19 following an inspection on July 17. Classed as 'Requires improvement'. Highlights: staff place a strong focus on helping children to settle and build strong attachments; language-rich environment. Improvements needed: implement an effective curriculum; take all reasonable steps to minimise potential hazards to children; help staff to understand the importance of giving children time to respond to their questions.. Previous inspection: N/A. | Google Maps
3. Kids Planet Clifton Lodge
Report published Aug 13 following an inspection on June 20. Classed as 'Good'. Highlights: happy and eager children; behaviour is good across the nursery; well-sequenced curriculum. Improvements needed: consistently adapt teaching to implement the curriculum during all parts of the day; ensure all children understand the impact their behaviours have on themselves and others. Previous inspection: N/A. | Google Maps
4. Kids Planet Norbreck
Report published Aug 7 following an inspection on July 15. Classed as 'Good'. Highlights: confident and happy children; children's language and early literacy skills are prioritised; children's physical development is promoted well. Improvements needed: strengthen staff understanding of the intent for each child during the activities they provide,. Previous inspection: N/A. | Google Maps
5. Kids Planet Lytham Lodge
Report published Aug 5 following an inspection on June 25. Classed as 'Outstanding'. Highlights: secure, loving relationships between staff, children and families; ambitious curriculum; SEND pupils are supported extremely well. Improvements needed: N/A. Previous inspection: N/A. | Google Maps
6. Kids Planet Poulton
Report published Aug 5 following an inspection on June 26. Classed as 'Good'. Highlights: happy and settled children; strong focus on developing children's communication; children's progress monitored carefully. Improvements needed: support the experienced, well-qualified staff to share their skills and best practice with the newer staff members. Previous inspection: N/A. | Google Maps