Schools can be rated one of four grades: outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate, with a mix of ratings being given out this month.
If a school/nursery requires improvement, it is put under special measures, whilst good schools are checked less frequently.
Take a look at the 20 schools below, including their classifications, highlights and areas that require improvement...

1. Lancashire schools with Ofsteds in Jan
All the schools in Lancashire with new Ofsted reports in January | Google Maps

2. Devonshire Primary Academy
Report published Jan 13 following an inspection on Nov 26-27. Classed as good for all categories. Highlights: happy pupils; ambitious and well-thought-out curriculum; many pupils acheive well. Improvements needed: ensure activities help pupils to deepen their learning; identify links links between early years and key stage 1. Previous inspection: Requires Improvement | Google Maps

3. Queen's Drive Primary School
Report published Jan 14 following an inspection on Nov 26-27. Classed as good for all categories. Highlights: happy and welcoming school; pupils achive and behave well; ambitious curriculum. Improvements needed: clarify clear precise knowledge pupils should learn; checks on impact of curriculum. Previous inspection: Outstanding | Google Maps

4. Garstang St Thomas' Church of England Primary School
Report published Jan 14 following an inspection on Nov 26-27. Classed as outstanding for all categories. Highlights: pupils achive and behave excpetionally well; highly ambitious curriculum; extensive range of trips and clubs. Improvements needed: N/A. Previous inspection: Good | Google Maps

5. New Longton All Saints CofE Primary School
Report published Jan 14 following an ungraded inspection on Nov 26-27. Judged to have maintained standards. Highlights: warm, welcoming school; pupils behave and achieve well; excellent range of personal development opportunities. Improvements needed: assessment strategies. Previous inspection: Good | Google Maps

6. St Mary's Catholic Primary School
Report published Jan 15 following an ungraded inspection on Dec 3. Judged to have maintained standards. Highlights: pupils behave and achieve well; ambitious curriulum range of wider development experiences. Improvements needed: set out precisely what key knowledge it wants pupils to learn; gaps in knowledge due to previous curriculum. Previous inspection: Good | Google Maps