Coronavirus crisis brings an end to Fylde RFC’s season

Fylde RFC were seeking promotion this seasonFylde RFC were seeking promotion this season
Fylde RFC were seeking promotion this season
All league rugby union beneath the Gallagher Premiership has been brought to an end for the 2019-20 season, the Rugby Football Union has announced.

That activity – encompassing league, cup and county competitions and training – has been aborted, having initially been suspended until at least April 14.

The RFU is in ‘active discussions’ with the Premiership, which is currently due to resume on April 24, although that prospect appears highly unlikely.

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As a result, it means an early end to Fylde’s National Two North campaign.

A club statement said: “Fylde RFC will be keeping members and supporters up to date with further news of the National League position but, more importantly, how the club will be managing the situation in these strained financial circumstances.”

Fylde chairman Roger Banks added: “This is no surprise. I think we all saw it coming and it’s the right call.

“A lot of clubs are going to struggle but I’m sure the RFU help out.

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“The closure of our clubs has serious financial implications as well as the loss of matchday revenue but we are all in the same boat and we have to get through it together.

“It’s just a case of everything being put on hold but there are more important things than rugby going on in the world right now.

“Along with Warren (Spragg, coach), I think Caldy should go up and the teams who have already been relegated from National One should come down.

“But I fully expect Fylde will stay in National Two North. The players have done amazingly this season but realistically I can’t see them promoting us. We just have to prepare to start again next season and hope we are back to normal then.”

It also means the absence of a County Championship, in which Fylde’s players have regularly featured for Lancashire.