Fleetwood traders club together to buy laptops for port's high schools

Head of School Improvement, Nigel Whittle, receiving the laptops from Colin Hind from the Fleetwood Market Forum.Head of School Improvement, Nigel Whittle, receiving the laptops from Colin Hind from the Fleetwood Market Forum.
Head of School Improvement, Nigel Whittle, receiving the laptops from Colin Hind from the Fleetwood Market Forum.
Fleetwood Market Forum has clubbed together to provide four laptops for Fleetwood High School and Cardinal Allen Catholic High School.

Colin Hind, who runs Fleetwood Market Café and represents the Fleetwood Market Forum, said: “Even though, sadly, many of our stalls are currently closed, we wanted to do something during the national lockdown to support the local families who regularly visit our market.

“Our market traders had seen the headlines in the national press about the desperate need for more digital devices to support pupils to learn at home, so we decided to club together and use our business contacts to buy some laptops for pupils at local secondaries.

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“We must all take responsibility for continuing to support our young people to get the education that they deserve during these challenging times, and it has been a great privilege to pass these laptops on to the school.”

Nigel Whittle, head of school improvement at Fleetwood High School, said the laptops will make a huge difference. He said: “Our thanks go to Colin, and other members of the Fleetwood Market Traders Federation for their incredibly kind donation.

“These laptops will certainly make a huge difference to the home learning experience for our pupils.

“Providing a chance for students to see their teachers and classmates and to discuss their work is so important not only for the continuation of their learning, but for their health and wellbeing at this time.

“It is this kind of generosity that epitomises how the Fleetwood community has come together during the pandemic and we are so proud to be part of it.”

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