Letters - Thursday February 25, 2021

Have you had your Covid vaccine jab yet?Have you had your Covid vaccine jab yet?
Have you had your Covid vaccine jab yet?
No vaccine? Is this what we can expect?

Had your vaccine yet? If so best of luck to you. If not you may wish to consider the following.

We are already seeing a societal schism developing between those who have, and those who have not been vaccinated. The government have said they are not planning to make vaccines mandatory but in reality they probably won’t need to.

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Already it is evident that if you have declined to be vaccinated then you will find yourself staying in semi-permanent lockdown until you succumb. For example Saga cruises are already only accepting bookings from vaccinated customers. Only a matter of time before this becomes more widespread - you want to board a plane, apply for that dream job with a large corporation, go to a concert or football match, send your kids to school even? Then show us the certificate or go away.

There will be many who will take the vaccine simply as a route out of lockdown. In other words they have become so weary and ground down in the last year that they will agree to almost anything just to be freed up to get their two-week all-inclusive holiday.

There will also be many who will refuse the vaccine and cite health concerns or principle. What can they expect? Well, no return of their previous rights or freedoms until they submit.

Discriminated against by society and the system. Who knows things could well get so crazy that the non-vaccinated might be more heavily taxed, or find their insurance premiums/council taxes increase because they will be viewed as a threat to the NHS or the rest of society. They will be punished in many different ways simply for questioning the official narrative.

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Final point. The vaccinated will view the non-vaccinated as a threat - if so then what exactly is the point of vaccinations in the first place ?

Name and address supplied


Interview with Oprah Winfrey

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if none of the media gave any information as to what Harry and Meghan said in their interview with Oprah Winfrey?

It would then be interesting to see how far the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are prepared to go to keep themselves in the spotlight, which they say they left the UK to avoid.

Meghan definitely wants to move from the B list as a TV star to the A list as a member of the British Royal Family.

Hilary Andrews

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Let’s get mining again in the UK

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It is beyond belief that the Green luddites are trying to stop the last coal mine in England from opening in Cumbria, despite it having been given planning permission by the local democratically-elected council in that area.

It would seem that these Greenies would rather we imported £10bn of coal every year rather than create hundreds of badly needed jobs for hard working British miners.

When the lights go out because the wind turbines have frozen up and when the solar panels are not working because of a lack of sunlight, I hope those Green idealists will suffer in silence, remembering that reliance on alternative sources of power is like King Canute trying to stop the incoming tides.

Our steel industry, our cement manufacturing industry and the ever popular heritage railways all need vast amounts of coal every week.

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Why should we jeopardise these successful British businesses, and the jobs that they create, just to satisfy the hysterical demands of a few Green fanatics?

Let’s get mining again.

Dick Lindley

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More red walls to go

Never ever thought I would hear Labour Party officials here in the North complain regarding opening up a new coal mine in Cumbria, which would be used for coke-fired steel making.

But it is true.

More ‘red walls’ to collapse, no doubt, and rightly so.

Terry Palmer

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Photo ID in future elections

I see the Government is going to cynically disenfranchise many voters by requiring photo ID in future elections from 2023, which will be another nail in the coffin of what is facetiously called democracy in this country.

Have we all of a sudden found massive election fraud in this country?

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I doubt it. All I can conclude is that Boris Johnson has taken a leaf out of his friend’s book, ex-President Trump, who endeavoured, via social media, to dissuade ethic minorities from voting in the Presidential Election last November because they possibly wouldn’t vote for the Republicans.

Ian Barnes

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Dodgy dealers

There was a shortage of many goods during the Second World War. There was also a black market where goods could be bought. Unscrupulous dealers bought huge amounts of goods at normal prices, held them in stock until there was a shortage, then sold the goods at monstrous prices, making massive profits. I fear history will repeat itself now.

Mr PL Taylor

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