Letters - August 7, 2019

Traffic jamsTraffic jams
Traffic jams
Focus must switch to public transport

To tackle climate change, we need to change our transport policies.

The recent report on global warming from the Met Office paints a disturbing picture of the rate global warming is accelerating, with the associated frequency of severe weather events increasing, some of which we have just witnessed.

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This tells us all that the “do nothing – business as usual” option is no longer acceptable when tackling human-induced climate change.

Instead we should all be looking at ways of reducing our carbon emissions, and one of the areas that need to be tackled is those generated by transport, primarily car and air travel.

We need to ask ourselves, is all this travel necessary or desirable and should we not be reviewing our national and international transport policies?

Should we not question whether the current level of air travel growth is desirable?

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We also need to question whether planning and catering for a growth in car travel by building new roads is appropriate at this stage.

Instead our politicians should use the might of the Northern Powerhouse to push hard for radically improved public transport, supported by the necessary legislation and funding routes.

This exciting outcome could be a viable alternative integrated public transport network, with light rail and new railway travel opportunities at its core, which offers a real alternative to the car.

A lot of good work is being done but now we need much, much bigger steps in the right direction.

Mike Obst

Address supplied


Duchess’ line

for the wealthy

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So the Duchess of Sussex (pictured) is thinking of bringing in her own clothing line and giving half of the profits to charity.

Does this mean that she will give up her Sovereign Grant given her by the taxpayers and live on the other half?

After all it will only be the very wealthy who can afford her label, so a considerable income will be generated.

Hilary Andrews

via email


It’s time for a fresh EU referendum

In 2016, I couldn’t vote, because I was too young.

I would’ve voted for Brexit because in the campaign we were promised we would stay in vital areas of the European Union like the ECJ (European Court of Justice), Single Market and Customs Union. We would be like Norway (who aren’t in the EU but still trade with them because they’re in these important areas).

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Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage promised us this, and yet we now find ourselves precariously on the cusp of a no-deal Brexit, which will raise food costs by £220 per annum and will take us into a recession.

This will hit hard-working families and bring them into poverty.

Voters in 2016 never voted for this, and I think it’s time for a fresh referendum.

If it happens, I’ll be voting remain, and I will never, ever, trust politicians like Boris ever again. They’ve lied to us too much and I find it inconceivable that he’s now our Prime Minister.

Joel McKevitt

via email


Get behind our new PM Boris

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Never having had a favourite politician, I really do think it is time we got behind Boris and give him our full support.

The country has been in such a mess and, frankly, some of the population also.

It is not only Brexit, it is everything else that occurs.

Knife crime, fraud, dodgy politicians and children’s behaviour getting worse with each passing day. It is really time someone got a grip and got on with what most of the country wants.

It is up to you Boris and, if you do, the next election will never be in doubt.

Barry Foster

Address supplied


It could be worse... it could be Corbyn

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MP Yvette Cooper says she is depressed at Boris Johnson being the new Prime Minister.

She is not half as depressed as millions would be if ever Jeremy Corbyn is given the keys to Number




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