'Mr Pothole' to wage war on run-down resort roads

Mr Pothole Mark MorrellMr Pothole Mark Morrell
Mr Pothole Mark Morrell
'Mr Pothole' is coming to Blackpool - and he needs your help to identify the town's most run-down roads.

Mark Morrell, better known as 'Mr Pothole', has been campaigning for safer roads across Britain for five years. Since then, he has helped with repairs to thousands of potholes, and now advises communities in several counties on how to make highways departments take action.

Now he heads to Blackpool as he embarks on a county-wide journey examining the state of roads on both the east and west coast.

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He has appealed for Blackpool residents to send in pictures of roads they are eager to see resurfaced, so that he can attend them when he visits the resort on Tuesday and Wednesday next week for a special ITN news report.

He said: "I'm going from Hull to Blackpool to see how bad the roads are, how many potholes we can find, and talk to people about how it has affected them.

"In the last 10 years, 400 cyclists have either died or been maimed as a result of hitting potholes. People are seeing hundreds of pounds worth of damage to their vehicles.

"Our roads don't lie. We have all seen it. All it takes is one month of bad weather for some roads to crumble."

Is your road plagued by potholes? Mr Pothole wants to hear from you. Email [email protected], or find him on Twitter @mrpotholeuk