Inspiration for business folk at Women's Day event

The Pink Link Ladies' International Women's Day event at Ribby HallThe Pink Link Ladies' International Women's Day event at Ribby Hall
The Pink Link Ladies' International Women's Day event at Ribby Hall
Women from across the county gathered on the Fylde to celebrate women's contribution to business.

Despite the “Pest from the West” delegates travelled far and wide to celebrate International Women’s Day at Ribby Hall Village.

Rebecca Jane formally known as The Lady Detective’ conducted a Piers Morgan style interview with guest speakers.

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The first, Melanie Doyle – MelvicMakeup told the women about her business and family story.

Coral Horn from organisers Pink Link Ladies of Blackpool said: “We are constantly told as women that we can’t have it all – motherhood and career, but she beat the odds and proved them wrong.”

Age was just a number for second speaker Jayne Hynes as she left her career at the age of 39 to pursue her passion of providing healthy frozen meals for kids.

Coral said: “She also expressed the difficulty in her industry of the sheer investment and time scale required had meant she had years of no profit and little wage to enable her to succeed in the market place.

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“There was a motto she lived by and its one that we wanted the ladies leave with. If anyone questions the decisions you make… “I’m just doing my best… we are all just doing our best.”

“This couldn’t be more true. A lot of the ladies in the room know exactly what that means in life. It was fabulous to welcome so many new visitors form across Region.

“Regular customers were able to make new connections and do new business and we're extremely pleased with the positive feedback with the interview style talk from our business entrepreneurs.

“Attendees left inspired and energized from the day.”

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