Hitting all the high notes for the festive season in years gone-by

Fleetwood Christmas Lights Switch-on. Children from Larkholme Primary School choir singing at Fisherman's Walk.Fleetwood Christmas Lights Switch-on. Children from Larkholme Primary School choir singing at Fisherman's Walk.
Fleetwood Christmas Lights Switch-on. Children from Larkholme Primary School choir singing at Fisherman's Walk.
Tis the season for carol-singing.

And so it was back in the 1960s and early 70s in these pictures from the archives of the Fleetwood Chronicle.

They depict choirs and carol singers, many wrapped up warm against the wintry elements, in fine voice to mark the festive season,

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The top left photograph, from the front page of that edition of the Chronicle, printed on December 18, 1970s, shows youngsters in guide uniforms, singing carols at Fleetwood and District Guide company carol evening at St Wulstan’s evening in St Wulstan’s Church Hall, Poulton Road, in Fleetwood.

The next picture is captioned the first picture of the choirs in Fleetwood and District, and features St Peter’s Parish Church Choir.

The names of the choristers are given in the caption – perhaps Weekly News readers might recognise some of them.

Front row, from left: C Slater, B Baxter, M Hunter, R Schofield, B Beasley, M Thompson, L Slater, I Parkinson, Jo Dodd

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Second row: Rev A M Smith, Rev AA Marks, D Parkinson, J Morley, S Wigglesworth, D Tinsley, D Slater, A Christy, M Hunter, M Tinsley, D Whitehead, E Crompton (organist and choirmaster), Rev S G Stanton, MA (vicar)

Back row: A Wilkinson, I Wright, J Barnes, Mr W Gregory, D Cookson, Messers W Slater, J Wright, F Pennington, B Ellis.

The final picture shows the Chronicle from Christmas Eve, 1969.

Carol singers at the Fleetwood Anglican churches toured the town, collecting money for charity.

And from the archives, in the much more recent past, this charming snap of children from Larkholme Primary School choir singing at Fisherman’s Walk, in 2002.

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