Drivers stung in mobile crackdown

PC Robin Hardiman pulling over a driver caught using a mobile phone at the wheel during a police operation along Mains Lane, Singleton.PC Robin Hardiman pulling over a driver caught using a mobile phone at the wheel during a police operation along Mains Lane, Singleton.
PC Robin Hardiman pulling over a driver caught using a mobile phone at the wheel during a police operation along Mains Lane, Singleton.
Motorists using their mobile phones behind the wheel were the target of a police operation to cut the number of accidents on a busy Fylde road.

Officers reported 10 drivers in around six hours keeping watch over Mains Lane, Singleton, earlier this week.

Police said the worrying number of crashes on the road – 20 in the last year – showed the need for action.

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PC Robin Hardiman, based at Kirkham police station, said: “We are really trying to improve people’s safety.

“Of the 20 accidents in the last year, seven resulted in injury.

“Just a few weeks ago, we had to shut the road at rush hour and cut the roof off a car to get someone out.”

He said driver error, which is more likely when they are distracted by a mobile phone, is major contributing factor in almost all collisions.

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During the operation, which took place between 11.30am and 6pm on Wednesday, 10 people were reported for using a phone while driving, two will receive follow-up visits from the police and several others were spoken to for other examples of dangerous driving.

Officers stationed at either end of the road would look out for people using their phones while driving before signalling to a uniformed officer who would pull them over.

The offending motorists will be reported to the force’s prosecution department and could face a fine or being sent on a driver improvement course.

PC Hardiman added: “The attitudes varied – some were devastated and others were apathetic.

“You can buy a hands-free set for next to nothing.

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People are risking their licences and other people’s lives for next to nothing.

“You sometimes get people moaning, asking ‘haven’t you got anything better to do?’

“But what price do you put on life? It’s an important message to get out there.”