Blackpool paedophile who twisted Monopoly game to abuse children is sent 'directly to jail' - for 22 years

Monopoly pervert  must 'go to jail'Monopoly pervert  must 'go to jail'
Monopoly pervert must 'go to jail'
A paedophile who used innocent childhood games to launch sexual attacks on three young children has been given an extended jail sentence by a sickened judge.

Former Blackpool Victoria hospital worker Mark Collins, 51, denied allegations of historic sexual abuse but jurors convicted him of a strings of rapes and sexual attacks against a girl and two boys.

He gave no reaction in the dock at Preston Crown Court as he was told he would serve at least 13 years before his case was referred to the parole board.

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The court was told the former cleaner, from Collins Avenue, Warbreck, Blackpool, committed the vile abuse over a 14 year period, during which he claimed 'back debts' from an innocent game of Monopoly to force a boy to perform sexual acts, abused a little girl in a Wendy house, and attacked a boy after he 'lost' at a computer game.

Collins was given an extended one year licence as part of his sentence by Judge Andrew Jeffries QC, who called him " an offender of particular concern" .

But his sentence was reduced by two years to reflect the fact he is now disabled and in a wheelchair due to heart problems.

The judge also acknowledged he had taken an insulin overdose during his trial, and advised the matter be notified to prison staff

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Collins will be subject to the sex offender's register for life.

He was convicted of six counts of rape, five indecent assaults and four of incitement to commit gross indecency in relation to a girl, who was as young as four at the time of some offences.

He threatened her she would be 'taken into care and raped' if she ever confided in anyone, and called her 'frigid' when she tried to prevent his attacks.

The youngster was aged just five when the campaign of abuse began.

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The judge, referring to his first victim, said: " She didn't understand what you were doing to her but knew it made her feel uncomfortable.

"In her own words she new it felt 'wrong, really wrong'.

"She was confused and couldn't work out if what you were doing to her was a punishment or a reward.

"You said it was 'your little secret'.

"You took innocent games like Monopoly to carry out your own variation, to carry out your own sickening penalties.

" Games like 'Truth, Dare, Kiss Command or Promise' turned into a game for your sexual pleasure. That happened every couple of weeks.

"You have shown no remorse at all."

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In relation to a boy Collins was found guilty of three indecent assaults and inciting him to commit gross indecency,

He was also convicted of two attempted rapes, indecent assault and three of incitement to commit gross indecency in relation to a second boy.