Bispham man, 63, to appear in court after being charged with historical sex offences

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A man is due to appear in court charged with historical sex offences, police said.

Robert Ewing, 63, formerly of Kincraig Place, Bispham, is accused of abusing two children in the 1990s in Hereford.

The allegations relate to two victims, a boy aged between six and nine years at the time, and a girl aged between nine and 13.

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Ewing is charged with one offence of child cruelty, five offences of indecent assault and one offence of gross indecency against the girl, and one child cruelty, two indecent assaults and one gross indecency against the boy.

All the offences were allegedly committed between 1990 and 1993.

Ewing is due to appear before Preston Magistrates’ Court on Thursday.