Letters - September 27, 2016

A petition has been started in Fleetwood to try and save bus routes that are under threat.  Angela Patchett from Fleetwood Bus Watch with the petition and supporters.A petition has been started in Fleetwood to try and save bus routes that are under threat.  Angela Patchett from Fleetwood Bus Watch with the petition and supporters.
A petition has been started in Fleetwood to try and save bus routes that are under threat. Angela Patchett from Fleetwood Bus Watch with the petition and supporters.
TRANSPORTPassengers are left stranded by pupilsResidents living between Knott End and Poulton have been severely disadvantaged since Lancashire County Council reduced, and on some routes withdrew, subsidies for transport in April this year.

The 86 bus run by Stagecoach was withdrawn and the 2c run by Blackpool Transport is now a restricted service.

Residents have been obliged to cope with reduced facilities, but from my recent experiences it appears adult passengers are now treated as second class citizens, whilst school children have priority at certain times. On checking timetables and bus stops I have been unable to find any notices drawing the attention of the public to the situation.

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On Friday, September 16 I caught the 2c bus from Knott End at around 3pm, one of few passengers. At the next stop a teacher from St Aidans School boarded the bus, informing the driver he would remain on the bus to the next stop to supervise some 120 pupils who would be boarding. I assumed he was exaggerating, until I saw the hordes of children lining the pavement. The raucous noise and behaviour was deafening and the remainder of my journey was a nightmare. On alighting I struggled to extricate myself, pushing through children standing three or more abreast.

That experience was challenging, but insult was added to injury when I needed to travel at the same time on Monday, September 19. The bus, again overloaded with children from schools in the area, screeched to a stop. The driver waved his hand to indicate I could not board and drove off, leaving me and another passenger standing.

I want to make a number of points.

n If schools are to be given priority, why are the public not warned that services may not be available?

n There is no justification for buses to carry dangerously excessive numbers of children.

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n Who is actually responsible for the safety and care of school children travelling to/from schools?

n Do I assume that school buses are not funded by the county council as a result of financial cuts (ie buses for the exclusive use of schools).

n It would be some small help if teachers instructed pupils on acceptable standards of behaviour in public places.

Mrs Rennie Fry

Moss House Lane



Killer must have cell key thrown away

I write regarding your story headlined ‘MP horrified by killer’s court bid to see daughter’ (Gazette, September 16).

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Isn’t this just another example of unscrupulous lawyers milking the legal system and legal aid? Have these lawyers no ethics or moral fibre?

The key to this man’s cell should have been thrown away from day one.

Is democracy working?

It certainly is for the low life. Legal aid should be supervised by a government department represented by lawyers in the sole employment of government.

Kevin Gooder

Clinton Avenue



Labour is needed more than ever

Once again Barry Clayton pontificates on the Labour Party (Your Say, Gazette, October 21). It’s a subject he appears obsessed with, and one I believe he lacks any knowledge of. Surprisingly, he never mentions the party I understand he is associated with!

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Apart from praising former Labour leader Clement Attlee, he is very negative about my party. However, Barry Clayton’s biggest gaffe is in thinking the Labour party is sinking. He is allowing his political bias and wishful thinking to take over.

I believe the Labour Party is vital for the democracy of our country. We have a right-wing Conservative government with an extremely low party membership base, which is very cash rich; thanks to large donations from the wealthy section of our country. That section of society benefitted so much from the David Cameron/George Osborne years and received generous tax concessions; it was their pay-back time. I predict that situation will not change under Theresa May.

The Labour party are united in their belief in our NHS. The Department of Health’s own figures show that in the last five years the service has seen the lowest increase in funding in the history of our health service, this is despite the increase in demand and extra pressure on staff.

The NHS is experiencing a most difficult financial situation. Most trusts are now in the red, some for the first time. The Labour Party has the commitment to a ‘free at the point of delivery service’ and fully supports the NHS.

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I am proud of Labour’s commitment and believe our party is the best force for fairness and in our country. Labour created the NHS, introduced the minimum wage and lifted over one million children out or poverty. Mr Clayton thinks the party is sinking, I believe the need for the Labour Party is as great now as it has ever been.

Jack Croysdill

Chairman Blackpool North/Cleveleys Labour Party


We have to get rid of the nuisance HMOs

Whilst I commend Coun Mark Smith in his recent venture clearing up a couple of shop fronts on Coronation Street (Gazette, September 22) I would like to draw attention to the large numbers of houses in multiple occupancy (so-called HMOs) the council has let in the area of the so-called holiday zone around Coronation Street.

Daily, if not hourly, we hoteliers and residents in Talbot ward have to put up with anti-social behaviour, drug deals in front of elderly guests and children, prostitution, drunks on the floor.

So whilst painting a shop front is wonderful, why not listen to your voters in your ward at meetings, and hopefully we can all clean up the ward together.

Anthony Sayer

Hull Road
