Letters - May 30, 2017

People look at flowers and tributes left in St Ann's Square in Manchester, exactly a week since the Manchester Arena terror attack took place. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday May 29, 2017. See PA story POLICE Explosion. Photo credit should read: Owen Humphreys/PA WirePeople look at flowers and tributes left in St Ann's Square in Manchester, exactly a week since the Manchester Arena terror attack took place. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday May 29, 2017. See PA story POLICE Explosion. Photo credit should read: Owen Humphreys/PA Wire
People look at flowers and tributes left in St Ann's Square in Manchester, exactly a week since the Manchester Arena terror attack took place. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday May 29, 2017. See PA story POLICE Explosion. Photo credit should read: Owen Humphreys/PA Wire
ELECTIONCuts to police has '¨also cut effectivenessIt is unfortunate for Barry Clayton that he is so self opinionated when it comes to policing matters.

His letter Gazette (May 27) stated counter terrorism is essentially a police matter. Then continued ‘it is critical our government is headed by a Prime Minister with years of experience of police operations’.

I believe counter terrorism is most important. Our police should be given 100 per cent support at all time. Which is something the last Home Secretary who had years of experience just did not do.

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Let us look at what happened over the past few years. After the election in 2010, the government brought in their austerity programme. The then Home Secretary imposed changes on police funding which reduced the effectiveness of police operations. This cut in police funding continued.

At the Police Federation Conference in 2015. The Home Secretary was informed of the damage cuts to police funding was having on the effectiveness of the police. Manchester Police Inspector Damien O’Reilly spoke, and asked the Home Secretary, directly to reconsider the level of cuts she was imposing on the police over the following five years. He was reported as stating the cuts to community policing left officers without the intelligence that was needed to keep the city safe from terrorist attack. This was of course affecting policing at all levels of the force.

Our own Police Commissioner Clive Grunshaw some months ago also expressed his concern, regarding the decrease in police numbers in a Gazette article on the subject of police funding.

It is worrying that crime in our country is rising. The situation is exacerbated by savage cuts to funding, which l feel is playing a part in this situation.

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Barry ended his letter with. ‘Voters, may I suggest should make this their foremost reason when voting on June 8.

When it comes to funding I will close with the very same message.

Jack Croysdill



Why was terrorist here in first place?

Can anyone,especially our wonderfully perceptive politicians,explain how the murderous perpetrators of this vile act,came to be in our country in the first place?

It beggars belief that they accept sanctuary and our hospitality, travel to training camps,learn how to murder our children,and then return to these shores with impunity


Address supplied


Remainers should not just be quiet

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As a young postgrad political science student studying and working in other parts of Europe for the last few years, I am livid at the whole Brexit situation.

I am further incensed by Remain supporters capitulating to such vandalism. Should we expect when/if Labour loses in June for them to switch to the Conservatives or be silenced permanently?

I have yet to hear an argument that withstands academic scrutiny, it’s all too easy to blurt out nonsense about the Union being anti-democratic and corrupt ad nauseam, but these arguments quickly fail with the introduction of facts.

I am of the opinion our foreign policy must be conducted on the grounds of reason, fact and evidence and not some warm nostalgic glow. We should not be looking to the past with rose-tinted glasses, longing for a past that has long disappeared.

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The Empire is gone, the Second World War is finished (although you might struggle to believe it reading some commentators) and it is time to move on. The arrogance around the idea ‘Europe needs us more than we need them’ is staggering and shows a deluded mentality.

Furthermore I believe that the principles of democracy are under threat when those most affected by the vote, UK citizens living in Europe and EU citizens in the UK, are excluded.

I will keep fighting for a liberal, tolerant and modern United Kingdom and her place in Europe. Short of remaining, whatever happens in the next few years will leave us economically, politically and socially poorer. Why would we want to give up the right to work, study, live and love in this wonderful continent of ours?

Jonathan Hill

Address supplied


Please support ‘Give & Bake’ campaign

If you love lemon drizzle, swoon for Swiss roll, fancy fruit cakes and enjoy raising money for charity then please get involved in our ‘Give & Bake’ campaign!

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Leonard Cheshire Disability is calling on the community to flex their baking skills and offer their friends, family or work colleagues their beautiful, wacky or classic cake creations in exchange for a donation.

Funds raised will directly support disabled people through a range of vital care services.

It’s really easy to ‘Give & Bake’ and give a slice of goodwill back to disabled people in your area. Visit leonardcheshire.org/giveandbake or call 020 3242 0365 to get your free fundraising pack.

Thank you,

Sara Lock

Events Officer,

Leonard Cheshire Disability

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