Letters - May 23, 2018

Top: The proposed new conference centre for BlackpoolTop: The proposed new conference centre for Blackpool
Top: The proposed new conference centre for Blackpool
Conference centre will boost town year round

The Winter Gardens is a very old building and needs the investment and extension programme.

The restoration programme over the past eight years has been gradual. The new conference centre will widen the commercial appeal of this multi-function historic venue.

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About 10 years ago a complex of this size had become outdated and was not commercially viable to operate in a seaside town. But in 2010 the future of the Winter Gardens was secured by Blackpool Council, which now owns the venue, the deal financed through a combination of government regeneration cash.

Investment in the conference centre is a major positive step forward for Blackpool. Attracting organisations, corporate businesses and political events will help boost Blackpool’s year-round economy. It will also help raise the town’s profile, from being more than just a ‘kiss me quick’ and ‘let’s get lairy’ weekend resort.

There is still a lot of work to do in making Blackpool a better place. Unfortunately, the town faces the blight of high unemployment and the problems that brings.

Investing in Blackpool’s economic future is crucial for everyone, especially hoteliers. Perhaps in less than a decade’s time, many of the hotels which have benefited from regular coach parties of senior citizens will find this market significantly reduced. The packaged coach tours have been on a gradual decline for the past 20 years or more .

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The annual events, shows and functions hosted at the Winter Gardens are great for Blackpool. The town has a rich history of entertainment and the Winter Gardens is an impressive Grade ll listed building. It is a complex that can now celebrate its successful past, accommodate the present and have a prosperous future.


Unity Music Arts Trust 
E:[email protected]


Thank you for 
all your support

I write on behalf of the Trustees of The Superintendent Gerald Richardson Memorial Youth Trust; registered charity number 504413 (The Gerry Richardson Trust) to thank you and your team for the great support you give to the Trust.

We have recently had two significant events; on May 10, the access road to the new Lancashire Constabulary Western Division HQ was named ‘Gerry Richardson Way’. This was a wonderful tribute to a well respected and courageous police officer. Gerry’s widow Maureen was so thrilled.

On the May 11, the Trust organised the Annual Special Schools Music Festival using the splendid facilities so freely given at Ribby Hall Village, Wrea Green. It was a brilliant day and gave these very special children the opportunity to shine and show off their talents.

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The Gazette covered both events, each being given a two-page special feature.

Particular thanks must go to Deputy Communities Content Editor Julia Bennett, reporter Michael Holmes and photographer Daniel Martino.

We are so grateful to The Gazette and all who contributed to and supported these events; you are all helping to keep Gerry’ legacy alive.

The Trustees are committed to work hard to ensure that the Trust remains active, so that we can continue to help many more young people in the years to come.

Jeffrey Meadows QPM

Chairman of the Trust


Irish border issue is just political ruse

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The issue of the Irish border being a stumbling block in Brexit negotiations is nothing more than a political ruse, caused by both Brussels and Dublin, who are doing their utmost to keeping the UK in a customs union and stirred on by splits within the Cabinet and a dithering PM.

Switzerland and Norway are not in the EU customs union and yet both goods and people cross smoothly across their borders every day. The same applies around the world such as the border between Canada and the USA.

Because of new technology and intelligence there is little or no need for full checks and according to the World Bank, following a recent review of 19 countries, on average only two per cent of goods are checked at borders.

Brussels along with Dublin are using the Irish border as a pretext to keeping us shackled to the EU and customs union and are relying on our weakened Government under pressure from Remainers in both Houses, big business, the CBI and other voices with vested interests. It is high time that both the Government got on with the Brexit that 17.4 million voted for.

Philip Griffiths

Broadcaster and commentator


Deep inequalities brought into focus

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The Royal Wedding brought into sharp focus the entrenched inequality in our society.

There are the ultra privileged and there are those with nothing - cleaned off the streets. A progressive wedding? No just more of the same.

Nathan Skelly
