Blackpool exit so tough for Taylor to take

Andy TaylorAndy Taylor
Andy Taylor
Departing Blackpool defender Andy Taylor says this season has been the most difficult of his career.

Don’t miss the latest football news and gossip from leagues in England, Scotland and Europe with 32-year-old went from lifting the League Two Play-off trophy at Wembley last season to finding himself surplus to requirements this time around.

Taylor, who signed for Blackpool in July 2016, has learned he will be let go this summer and told The Gazette: “Obviously I’m disappointed. You’re always going to be disappointed when you’re released by a club.”

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“But with the way the season panned out, it didn’t come as a shock.

“It’s difficult to sum up my time at the club – it’s gone from one extreme to the other. This season has probably been the hardest of my career.

“It’s gone from having some of my best memories of my life last year, getting promoted at Wembley.

“Everyone says that is the best way to do it and without a doubt it is. They are memories that will live with me forever.

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“But coming back for the first day of pre-season and being told that after all those highs you’re not going to play as much as you want and you can leave – that’s difficult to take.

“I just kept on working hard and being professional, training hard and looking after myself. That’s all I could do as it was out of my control.

“I spent the majority of the season injured with my knee, but even when I was fit and available I was deemed not good enough for selection over and over again, which was difficult to take.

“This season has been one to forget, that’s for sure.

“I’ve just got to try to move on and hope an opportunity comes up, so I can prove people wrong because I’m confident I can still play at this level.

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“It’s something I’ve never really been through before. I’ve never been told that I’m surplus to requirements and not really wanted, so that was a difficult one to take.”

When asked what now lies in store for him, the left back added: “I’m out of contract along with several hundred other players I’d imagine.

“I will just keep my fingers crossed. I’m still only 32 and I still look after myself, I’m as fit as a fiddle so I know I can still play comfortably at a League One level.

“Who knows what the future will hold but fingers crossed something comes up that is a good opportunity

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“Every player wants regular football, but sometimes it can be a difficult thing to get because things change.

“After we got promoted to League One I thought I would be playing regularly this year but obviously that wasn’t the case.

“I’ve got a young family so I need to think about them as well. Ideally I’d love to stay in the North West and be playing regular football in League One, but you don’t know what’s going to present itself. Time will tell.”