PICTURE SPECIAL: TV licences on the agenda as Pensioners' Parliament march through Blackpool

The scrapping of over 75s free TV licenses was on the agenda for the paradeThe scrapping of over 75s free TV licenses was on the agenda for the parade
The scrapping of over 75s free TV licenses was on the agenda for the parade
The debate over scrapping over 75s free TV licences continued as hundreds of older campaigners marched through the streets of Blackpool as part of the the three day Pensioners’ Parliament.

The event, which has been running for more than 20 years, kicked off with a jazz band and a colourful and noisy march through the town centre followed by a rally with a number of guest speakers including Blackpool councillor Fred Jackson.

Among the banners was the call to reinstate free TV licences which which were scrapped by the BBC earlier this week. Following the march on the first day of the event, members attended the official opening at the Winter Gardens.