Blackpool funding for domestic abuse campaign

Coun Gillian CampbellCoun Gillian Campbell
Coun Gillian Campbell | other
Blackpool Council is set to receive a share of the £2m in funding from the Home Office to back a new public awareness campaign against domestic abuse during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Launched by Home Secretary Priti Patel earlier this month, the campaign aims to help people who are trapped in an abusive situation by reminding them that help is still available during this difficult time.

The hashtag #YouAreNotAlone will be used across the council’s social media, as well as on materials shared with the public.

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The campaign will encourage Blackpool residents to show their solidarity and support for those who may be suffering from domestic abuse.

They’ll be asked to share social media posts and display posters in their windows which show a heart on a palm – a symbol of hope to those in distress.

Coun Gillian Campbell, cabinet member responsible for domestic abuse said: “The campaign supports the existing work we do with our partner organisations, such as the Violence Crime Unit, Police and Crime Commissioner, Violence Against Women and local charities such as Fylde Coast Women’s Aid, Safenet, Empowerment and Lancashire Women.

“Only by working together can we raise awareness and share the vital information that is required to protect those who may be at risk.”

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It has yet to be confirmed how much money Blackpool will receive from the fund.

Twenty four-hour support is available for victims via the Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or call 999 if you are in immediate danger.

For more information, visit