Letters - May 9, 2016

Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.  Pictured are Makenzie Davis-Jones, 10, and Rhiannon Morrison, 11, with teacher Lauren Hollis.Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT.  Pictured are Makenzie Davis-Jones, 10, and Rhiannon Morrison, 11, with teacher Lauren Hollis.
Year 6 pupils at Mereside Primary School celebrate after being ranked in the top 20% of schools nationally for reading, writing and maths by the SSAT. Pictured are Makenzie Davis-Jones, 10, and Rhiannon Morrison, 11, with teacher Lauren Hollis.
EDUCATIONThis is truly a school for us to be proud ofMay I please congratulate Mereside school, its staff, parents and children on their recent award on becoming one of the top primary schools in the country.

People do not see past the name of Mereside, and it is so nice for this to happen in such a strong and positive manner.

The award is only endorsing what many of us have known for such a long time. I wrote to The Gazette 20 years ago to support our school when we went into special measures, and I am so pleased to say I am still supporting the school now.

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Mereside is truly a school to be proud of and I wish them many more successes in years to come.

Sarah Threlfall

Branstree Rd


We’re big enough to stand on our own

What does our government pay to be a member of the EU Club? I’m advised that is around £50million each day, which is £35m per week, or £1.4billion per month. It makes economic sense not to be a member of this club, and for our government to use this money for the benefit of ourselves, not others.

Even more important, our school leavers could benefit from government-backed, traditional apprenticeships.

We need our young to serve real apprenticeships before we lose all of our skills as a country.

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I don’t hear the “In” campaigners reminding us of the 500,000 (and rising) jobs it has cost us being in the EU, such as our decimated fishing and farming industries, and more recently a medal making firm in Birmingham which has just gone bust. Now our military and Queen’s honours medals will be made in France! This has come about because of the unfair competition from EU countries. We play to the rules, while others play to their own interpretation to the rules.

Mr Cameron has insisted he has got us all a good deal with his re-negotiations. Absolute rubbish! He’s not even got back what Tony Blair gave back, what Mrs Thatcher had original got from the EU when she was Prime Minster.

We always have a trading deficit with the EU, therefore we need the EU less than they need us. Big business, and other non EU members, want us inside the EU for their benefit, not ours.

For David Cameron to say we are better off in the EU, is disgraceful. All he does is pour out doom and gloom, and scaremongery and is not fit to be our Prime Minister.

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We are in the Top 10 of the world economies, and therefore are quite capable of standing on our own two feet and making our own decisions.

Brian Robinson

via email


End isolation for those with ME

I’m sure many of your readers will have experienced isolation at some point.

Sadly, many people with ME face isolation for years on end as friends, family and professionals struggle to accept the true impact of the illness. Others live alone, too ill to keep up a social life.

For ME Awareness Month this May, Action for ME is sending a simple message: don’t ignore ME.

Find out how you can make a difference to the lives of people with ME at www.actionforme.org.uk or call 0117 927 9551.

Sonya Chowdhury

Chief Executive, Action for ME