Mum's The Word - March 22, 2016

William Mellor with one of his dinosaursWilliam Mellor with one of his dinosaurs
William Mellor with one of his dinosaurs
Heard the one about the dinosaur in the man's soup?

No, we hadn’t either until last weekend when we had a family reunion in Liverpool.

It was a pretty scary experience for William, meeting 40 long-lost cousins, second cousins, and first cousins twice removed all in one room.

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So it’s no surprise the little chap hid under a table with two of the few cousins he had met before – Erin and Finlay.

They made it their secret hideout away from all the hustle and bustle.

And, quite frankly, you can’t blame them – what two-year-old would want to be in the middle of a bunch of adults being nostalgic about great aunt Phyllis making the best Scouse in the city, while trying to remember the name of the long lost relative they were reminiscing with?

The toddlers were having great fun in their little den playing with some toy dinosaurs and a poor, unsuspecting Disney princess.

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The only problem with their seemingly innocent game was the family reunion was on the mezzanine floor of a pub – with just a spindle balcony separating the cheeky toddlers and the oblivious diners below.

So half-way through the evening, a lady made her way up to the top floor, clutching a velociraptor.

“Has anyone lost a dinosaur?

“This just landed in my husband’s dinner.”

Red-faced and very apologetic, I shuffled over to the remarkably calm woman to claim the tomato-covered plastic toy.

I think next time we’ll take bigger toys which can’t escape!

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