Mayor's 17,000 thanks for generosity of supporters

Coun Peter Hardy, mayor of Fylde for 2015-6, with then mayoress Sheila Hardy (second left), former deputy mayor Coun Heather Speak and former deputy mayor Jen RobinsonCoun Peter Hardy, mayor of Fylde for 2015-6, with then mayoress Sheila Hardy (second left), former deputy mayor Coun Heather Speak and former deputy mayor Jen Robinson
Coun Peter Hardy, mayor of Fylde for 2015-6, with then mayoress Sheila Hardy (second left), former deputy mayor Coun Heather Speak and former deputy mayor Jen Robinson
The immediate past mayor of Fylde has thanked the public for their generosity during his year as the borough's first citizen.

Coun Peter Hardy was delighted to announce that more than £17,000 was raised for the mayoral charities of his 12 months in office – Barnardo’s, Fylde Citizens Advice Bureau, Kirkham Rural Splash and Fylde Scouts and Guides.

Supported by his wife Sheila Hardy as mayoress, Coun Hardy attended more than 200 events during his term and he said: “The mayoress and I would like to thank the people of Fylde for their kindness and support throughout our mayoral year. “We have had the pleasure of attending over 200 functions during our year of office and through the generosity of the various organisations we raised £17,100 for the Mayoral charities.”

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Among the highlights of Coun Hardy’s year of office was the mayoral ball held at Ribby Hall in March, which raised around £4,000.

Coun Hardy, was succeeded as mayor earlier this month by St Annes councillor Christine Akeroyd, who will be raising money for three charities – the Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Families Association, Home Start Blackpool Fylde and Wyre and the Girlguiding Kilgrimol Centre.

Coun Hardy added: “Our grateful thanks to our Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress, Coun Heather Speak and Mrs Jen Robinson for their support throughout the last 