Landaus review passes first hurdle

Landau drivers pictured L-R are Colin Sinderson with Vanilla, Ella Sinderson, Kevin Coates, Timmy Leech and Carolynne Edwards.Landau drivers pictured L-R are Colin Sinderson with Vanilla, Ella Sinderson, Kevin Coates, Timmy Leech and Carolynne Edwards.
Landau drivers pictured L-R are Colin Sinderson with Vanilla, Ella Sinderson, Kevin Coates, Timmy Leech and Carolynne Edwards.
Councillors have approved a raft of recommendations aimed at tightening controls over Blackpool's fleet of landaus which operate on the Promenade.

The tourism, economy and resources scrutiny committee agreed the licensed horse drawn hackney carriages review final report without making any further observations.

The review, which was prompted by an accident in October 2014 when a horse bolted, will now go before the council’s executive next month.

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A number of landau and cinderella carriage owners attended the town hall meeting.

Afterwards Coun Peter Hunter, chairman of the committee, said: “In terms of animal safety we are satisfied all the horses are well cared for.

“We were satisfied as a panel there were no animal welfare issues and that the people who operate the landaus are people who respect what they do and do look after the horses.

“However it would have been impossible not to conduct a review in the light of the accident.”

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A number of operators took part in the review process, while contributions were also made by licensing chiefs, traffic management officers and the police.

Among the proposals are that drivers take a tougher driving test, that set routes are created in order to standardise charges, and the creation of a landau operators forum.

It is also proposed there should be in inquiry into whether landaus should be allowed to operate on Friday nights during the Illuminations, after already being banned on Saturday nights.

The report said there had been complaints about drivers going through red lights and driving down the middle of the road.

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Coun Hunter said; “I believe the relationship we have established with the landau operators as a result of the review will be a fruitful one.

“They are an asset to the town and we value their presence.

“They understand their industry and we welcome the opportunity to work with them.”

The report will now go before the executive on February 8.

Landau and cinderella carriage operators have said they are willing to work with the council and have welcomed the establishment of a forum.

Speaking to The Gazette this week, landau operator Kevin Coates said: “Our horses are extremely well trained and selected very carefully to ensure they are used to traffic.”

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