Lamborghini-obsessed boy's dream comes true after taxi driver's plea goes viral

10-year-old Connor Cumming has his dream come true after getting a ride in a Lamborghini10-year-old Connor Cumming has his dream come true after getting a ride in a Lamborghini
10-year-old Connor Cumming has his dream come true after getting a ride in a Lamborghini
A Blackpool youngster with special needs saw his dream come true as he got a trip in a supercar '“ thanks to the kindness of strangers.

Connor Cumming’s ride in the £450,000 Lamborghini Gallardo came after a post by a taxi driver, who drives the 10-year-old to school in Preston and back, went viral on social media site Facebook.The post was spotted by the car’s owner, who invited the youngster for a quick spin on Saturday.

His delighted mum Gillian said: “You have no idea how much this means to us. I’m gobsmacked.”

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In his post, the taxi driver, who asked not to be named, said he acted after receiving a Christmas gift from Connor and his mum ‘out of the blue’.

Connor's dream comes trueConnor's dream comes true
Connor's dream comes true

He wrote: “I know this was difficult for them and once the lad got into the car I thanked him very much.

“He said: ‘We like to thank special people at Christmas’.

“I was very humbled. Anyway, this lad is obsessed with Lamborghinis, so if anyone out there is lucky enough to own one or knows someone that owns one, I would like to make this lad’s day, year, and Christmas, and have one turn up at his school at the end of his day, just to have his photo taken with it or even be allowed to sit in it or even better, a ride home.” The post was shared hundreds of times before it was spotted by Dimi Akram, from Bespoke Healthcare in Bristol Avenue, Blackpool.

He got in touch with the cabbie and arranged for Connor to meet him outside the business at 10.30am on Saturday.

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Connor, left, with five-year-old brother MasonConnor, left, with five-year-old brother Mason
Connor, left, with five-year-old brother Mason

Dimi, who described the Gallardo Spyder as his ‘dream car’, said: “I took him down the road and his face was a picture. He really enjoyed it.

“It was so good to see him smiling – it was really good.”

Gillian, 33, of Chester Road, North Shore, said her son has been ‘obsessed’ with Lamborghinis for years and said she kept Saturday’s thrill a secret until they arrived in a taxi.

“The night before I told him he was getting his picture taken for the paper because he’s been a good boy.

“The minute we pulled up he said, ‘Mum! There’s a Lamborghini!’

“He was over the moon. We just can’t thank everyone enough. It’s just amazing. He has been telling everybody.”