Girl's abuser is jailed for seven years

Crown CourtCrown Court
Crown Court
A young girl was sexually abused by a man - aided by his girlfriend, a court has been told.

Darren Jones, 45, showed his five year-old victim an adult video at an address in Blackpool before telling her: " That's what I want to do with you."

He then sexually assaulted her as his girlfriend Kerry Plummer restrained her, Preston Crown Court was told.

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Jones, of no fixed abode has been jailed for seven years after a majority jury found him guilty of two counts of indecent assault.

But Plummer died before she could be interviewed about the historic offences, the court was told.

Judge Nicholas Barker accepted the deceased woman had played a role in one of the incidents.

He said: " She described being about five years of age and seeing a pornographic film being played on the television.

"She realised this was not appropriate.

"She was scared and distressed and you carried on.

"I find you must have been aware of her distress.

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"She did not report this because of her age and because she was deeply confused."

The court was also told the girl was assaulted at an address in Essex.

The judge added: " You found a devious thrill in doing what you were doing when the girl's parents were close by."

Prosecuting, Michael Maher read out a statement from the victim, who is now older, in which she said: "The whole process has been nothing short of gruesome for me.

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"My childhood was affected because of the ordeal he put me through.

"I grew up too quickly and missed out on being a child."

"As I grew older I felt dirty and disgusting."

Jones, a notorious burglar, mouthed off in the dock as Judge Nicholas Barker made his sentencing remarks and was told to keep quiet.

He must sign the sex offender's register for life and is barred from working with children.