Amazed PCSOs break up a baby shower on the street in Morecambe

Police received a report of a baby shower on the street in MorecambePolice received a report of a baby shower on the street in Morecambe
Police received a report of a baby shower on the street in Morecambe | jpimedia
Police in Morecambe have issued a warning after discovering dozens of people enjoying a baby shower outside their homes.

Two PCSOs attended a report of 30 people on the street having a baby shower yesterday.

Morecambe Police reported on their Facebook: "Quite often we attend reports like this which are exaggerated.

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"However on this occasion it was accurate, with dozens of people from different households sitting together on the communal play area outside their houses, complete with balloons, a tasty looking buffet and even a bouncy castle full of children from nearby houses.

"When the PCSOs politely explained that they should be not congregating like this, three particular individuals in the group became abusive and stated that it didn't matter because the schools were going back in June.

"It was pointed out that if everyone acted like them then the schools would probably have to remain closed.

"One particularly uncaring individual stated, "well we're all going to get it so what's the point" and refused to follow the PCSOs' advice.

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"When police officers were called to assist, the three courageously decided to run away, presumably more concerned about receiving a fine than giving someone else a potentially fatal disease.

"We understand that everyone is making sacrifices, including missing out on family occasions and seeing friends and loved ones.

"However, no-one is above the law and we will continue to engage and encourage people to act sensibly and to follow the guidance when meeting friends or family.

"It is a only a minority of people who decide to ignore this advice. Giving abuse to people for doing their job and trying to keep everyone safe is not acceptable and will be dealt with robustly."