Couple hold a big-hearted fund-raiser in memory of Lee

Lee Rawlings and KatLee Rawlings and Kat
Lee Rawlings and Kat
A couple are to hold an all-day fund-raiser in memory of their brother-in-law who died suddenly from heart problems.

The Lee David Rawlings Memorial Fun Day is a tribute to Lee who died suddenly, aged 43, after suffering an aortic dissection, leaving behind a young family.

Lee was known for his charitable work so Sarah Hallett, 34, and her husband, William, 58, Garden Terrace, South Shore, aim to carry on his effort of helping others by raising money for Heart Research UK and local charity Blackpool Street Angels.

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Former boxer Lee was engaged to Sarah Hallett’s sister Kat.

This year, the couple say their free family fun day will be ‘bigger and better’ and will be taking place at Blackpool Cricket Club, Stanley Park on August 13, between 1-6pm.

Last year, they managed to plan their event within eight weeks of Lee’s death, but this time round, they have had eight months to pull together a full line up of exciting activities for all the family.

Sarah said: “All we hope for is the day to be a success and people come along and enjoy themselves!

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“We want it to be as busy as possible to create as much awareness as we can about aortic dissection because people don’t know anything about it.

“Lee would probably think we were nuts, but he has done a lot for charities close to his heart and now we want to do the same.”

The day will be packed with fun and entertainment for the whole family from fairground rides to inflatables, owls on show to magicians, circus skills to various stalls and food - all giving contributions to Heart Research UK.

There will be guest appearance by DJ Scouse providing music throughout the day.

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Blackpool band Happy Days will be performing and there will be Morris dancing from Broadway Stars and Latin American dance from JLC dance. Sarah herself will also be on stage singing.

Sarah, a Tele Appointer at The Planning Guide, Blackpool, said: “Lee committed so much of his time to his friends, family and to charity. We want the event to bring everyone together to remind everyone how much Lee touched our lives.”

Sarah’s mum also had a double heart bypass in 2013 aged 49.

They have now found heart problems run in the family and Sarah is being monitored.

Sarah and William are hoping that the event will raise as much awareness as possible of the devastating effects of heart disease and the work of Heart Research UK – a charity that funds pioneering research into the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease.

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The day will be attended by Mayor and Mayoress of Blackpool, Coun

Kath Rowson and Joan Goldin. Over the past 12 months Heart Research UK has also funded two masterclasses in aortic arch surgery at the University of Liverpool, providing heart surgeons from all over the UK with the opportunity to learn this procedure from experts in the field and gain hands-on experience of this life-saving technique.

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