Appeal for food donations to help homeless

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Charity bosses helping homeless and vulnerable people are asking for donations of food, toiletries and bedding this Christmas.

The Bridge Project, based in the Salvation Army in Blackpool, supports people at its drop-in day centre, offering classes and support sessions as well as giving out emergency food parcels.

The project is in need of donations of tinned or dried food, toiletries, personal hygience products, towels, sleeping bags and bedding.

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Bev Taylor, the project’s manager, said: “We’re desperate for goods.

“At the moment we’ve only one sleeping bag left. If we’ve people sleeping rough in this weather and we can’t give them a sleeping bag it is bad.

“And people do come here to wash and shower too, so we need toiletries and towels.”

This year’s Harvest festival, usually used to yield a bumper amount of food and toiletries to see the charity through, wasn’t as fruitful as in previous years.

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The project gives out food parcels as well as serving cheap meals in the afternoon as well as offering a free breakfast to those attending morning classes.

To donate, contact: (01253) 626114, or visit: The Salvation Army on Raikes Parade, Blackpool.

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