Foster carers share their special moments to appeal for more people to consider fostering in the North West

Lancashire fostering agency Caritas Care is celebrating the heart-warming stories and experiences of foster carers, as they share their special moments to encourage more people to consider fostering.

To shine a light on the joys and rewards of fostering, Caritas Care foster carers have openly shared their special moments.

We are thrilled to have this opportunity to share our fostering moments with you. Fostering is not just about providing a place for a child or young person to stay; it’s about giving them a place to belong and a safe environment from which to thrive in. It’s about offering love and stability at a time in their lives when they need it.

Caritas Care Fostering Service Manager Rebecca Hughes

She added: “Despite the positive impact that fostering has on children and young people’s lives, there is still a significant number of foster carers needed across the North West and there are children who are in need of a loving, caring and stable home, whether it’s for a short period of time or longer term.”


Emma’s special moments include seeing her boys overcome difficulties, to achieve and thrive in school and to love being part of a community as well as having them involved in important events like her wedding day.

She says that the boys love 1:1 time, doing the things they are interested in.  Her youngest loves science and eldest is a thrill seeker – and they love going to the Pleasure Beach together.


“I cried tears of joy when Sarah first got her hearing aid and told me she could hear the birds singing for the first time.”


“I have had many special moments as a foster carer, these are just some:

“When they bring their friends home and you end up chatting to their friends – and their friends end up knowing how you like your cup of tea!

“Getting an unexpected hug just because . . .

“Being more proud of their achievements than they are and they give you a look.”

Emily and Dan

The moment when our foster son came and thanked me with tears in his eyes after his social worker asked him if he wanted us to be his forever family and he’d said yes! He wasn’t the only with teary eyes that day.

Emily and Dan

They added: “The day he told us he only uses one night light during the night now because he feels settled and safe.

“The day he came home having passed his maths GCSE mock after the hours and hours of supporting him with his homework and solving maths problems together.

“Every night when our birth daughter gives our foster son a good night hug and announces to everyone she meets ‘this is my big brother’.

How you can help

Rebecca said: “We are keen to speak to new and experienced foster carers who would consider fostering older children, brothers and sisters, children who may have varying levels of additional needs and asylum seeking children. We want to create more special moments for more foster carers and even more children!”

As the need for loving and supportive foster families continues to grow in the North West, Caritas Care is appealing to individuals and families to consider opening their hearts and homes to fostering.

For more information on becoming a foster carer with Caritas Care, a not for profit fostering agency, please contact the team on 0800 652 6955 or get in touch via their website at